The leading magazine for Europe’s Security Defence Community
Our magazine addresses decision-makers in European and national politics, European institutions and international organisations, NATO and armed forces, as well as diplomats, professors, students, and anyone who wants to learn more about the background of European and international politics in our globalised world.
Publishing house and direction
In May 2023, our publication joined Mittler Report Verlag GmbH, Bonn, a publishing house under the roof of Tamm Media GmbH, Hamburg The magazine’s content is directed by Editor-in-Chief Hartmut Bühl and Deputy Editor-in-Chief Nannette Cazaubon, both based in Paris.
In its efforts to report on Europe in a world facing global geopolitical challenges, the editorial team is supported by free correspondents in India, Japan, Middle East and South-East Europe. We will widen this network of correspondents in 2024.
In 2011, our magazine received the first “European Award for Citizenship, Security and Defence” under the patronage of the President of the European Council. In 2019, our editorial team was awarded with the CIDAN Jury Special Prize of the same competition “for outstanding journalism, enabling European citizens to better understand the European
Union”. The prize was accompanied by a medal from the French President Emmanuel Macron.
Our politically independent quarterly magazine was founded in 2008. The publication puts the focus on geopolitics and European and international security and defence issues, but also discusses topics with broad societal implications such as, amongst others, climate change and new energies, European migration and refugee policy, cybersecurity, cooperation in civil protection, or internationally relevant aspects of health policy.
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